The Scheding Index of Australian Art & Artists and the Scheding Art Index is the work of Stephen Scheding, a private art researcher
and consultant specialising in Australian art.

All enquiries are welcome but please note there may be a fee for actual services.

(Fees may not apply for enquiries from curators and other staff of public galleries and museums).

Feedback: All feedback, suggestions and additions are welcome (although Stephen Scheding may not be able to respond to all). Simple queries may be answered. Please use the form on the right to provide feedback.

Adding to the database:One objective of the database is to develop a ‘complete’ bibliography of Australian art. If you, as a user, note any omissions (books, catalogues, etc, which include significant biographical information on an Australian artist or information on Australian art) you are invited to add this to the index. Please use the form on the right to provide additions or edits.

We currently have some signed copies of The National Picture by Stephen Scheding (Vintage, Random House, 2002, paperback, 278pp, 13 colour plates) for sale at $25 each including postage within Australia. This book is about the author’s quest to track down Benjamin Duterrau’s lost masterpiece of the same name. It is the most comprehensive record of colonial artist Benjamin Duterrau’s art and life as well as being an account of George Augustus Robinson. To purchase please use the message box on the form on the right and you will be forwarded bank deposit and/or Paypal details.

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